NO.EL IS NOW PART OF GRUPPO COLINES HOLDING Eraldo Peccetti (Gruppo COLINES Holding), Roberto Colombo and Roberto Pellengo (NO.EL) COLINES is proud to announce the acquisition of NO.EL, the world renowned company which since 1983 has been a leader in engineering and production of machines for the pre-stretched film production, coreless technology and machines dedicated […]
Dear Customers, We wish to announce an important result obtained in relation to a patent which is part of the portfolio of intellectual property rights of which our company is the proprietor. Last year, the company Class-Engineering presented an opposition to the Patent Litigation Chamber of the Russian Patent Office concerning the validity of our […]
NO.El. sarà presente al Plast 2018 Milano – 29 Maggio- 1 Giugno NO.EL. sarà presente al Plast 2018 ( Padiglione 15 Corsia C/D 91/92 ), il salone internazionale per l’industria della plastica e della gomma che avrà luogo a Milano – Rho Fiera – ( PLAST si tiene ogni 3 anni a Milano ed è una […]